Published June 7, 2016 on Morgan Hill Life’s website

Dear All MHUSD,

Steve Betando

Steve Betando

mhusd-logoI wish you all a wonderful last day of school. I feel so proud and honored to be a part of Morgan Hill Unified School District as I reflect on this year and all the work you have done for our students. The successes you have all created are too countless to name even if I did have all the information about what you have done.

Every once in awhile I get a peek into the amazing work you do which regularly goes unnoticed. Those glimpses wake my appreciation for your work. The most wonderful part of all that has happened this year is the increase in student engagement. In my role, I have the frequent responsibility of talking with community members, agencies, businesses, and, of course parents. The overwhelming general and specific feedback from these interactions reflect the excellent education and caring environment that you all have created. I have received a flood of positive comments all year but there has been such a vast amount of positive input in the past couple months that I feel compelled to pass on their and my appreciation for you all.

Many I interacted with talked about individual successes they were involved with or heard about in our schools. Parents and students have shared personal stories of triumph with your guidance. The community groups and individuals give me appreciation for your efforts..I thank them, agree with them, and accept it on your behalf. I hear about the positive effects of projects such as the grade level configuration, PBIS, Restorative Justice, Academy building, family nights, support services intervention, extracurricular activities (tailored so that every child has an opportunity to be engaged outside the classroom), field trips, class circle activities, innovative technology strategies and so much else. The regular class instruction includes interactive student activities that is essential to this engagement. I received so many comments about positive personal experiences. From employees going out of their way to help people get what they need, to follow-up calls to be certain children are getting emotional support after a stressful event, parents appreciate what you do. Also, the schools have never looked better. We are in the midst of creating more aesthetically pleasing and functional school sites.

Student attendance is high. Graduation rates are way above and dropout rates are far below expectations. At our high schools, our young adults are well prepared for their future. Below is a list of next year’s confirmed destinations for the class of 2016. Most of these destinations will receive multiple MHUSD students at their institutions:

Apprenticeships and Tradeschools (several)

Arizona State University

Art Institute of San Francisco

Art Institute of Seattle

Azusa Pacific University

Brigham Young University – Utah

Brigham Young University – Idaho

Butte Community College

Cabrillo Community College

Case Western Reserve University

California Baptist University

California State University Channel Islands

California State University Chico

California State University East Bay

California State University Fresno

California State University Fullerton

California State University Long Beach

California State University Los Angeles

California State University Monterey Bay

California State University Sacramento

California State University San Diego

California State University San Francisco 

California State University San Jose

California State University Sonoma

Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo 

Cal-Poly Pomona

Chabot College

Chico State University

De Anza Community College

Evergreen Valley Community College

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise 

Folsom Lake Community College

Foothill Community College

Foreign Exchange (Norway, Denmark, Brazil, Italy)

Gavilan Community College

George Washington University

Georgetown University

Hartnell College

Hillsdale College 

Humboldt State University

Jade Barber College

Lewis & Clark University

Lindenwood University Belleville

Loyola Marymount University

Merced Community College

Menlo College

Middle Tennessee State University

Mills College

Mission Community College

Modesto Community College

Monterey Peninsula College

Northwest Institute of Arts

Northern Arizona University

Notre Dame de Namur University

Ohio State University 

Oregon State

Pensacola State College

Portland Community College

Sacramento State University

San Diego City College

San Jose City College

San Mateo Community College

Santa Clara University

Santa Rose City College

St. Mary’s College

Stanford University

Stockholm University

Tarrant County College

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Army

U. S. Marines

U. S. Navy

University of Arizona

University of California Berkeley

University of California Davis

University of California Irvine

University of California Long Beach

University of California Los Angeles

University of California Merced

University of California Riverside

University of California San Diego

University of California Santa Barbara

University of California Santa Cruz

University of Nevada, Reno

University of Oregon

University of Southern California

University of Pacific

University of Washington

University of Wyoming

Universal Technical Institute (UTI) Sacramento 

Utah State University

West Valley Community College

Western Washington University

Westmont College

Workforce (Direct Employment – several)

Each one of you directly or indirectly contributes to launching our students into their bright future by what you do. What I have noticed in my conversations with many of you is that all are continuing to seek ways to do things better and reach children deeper and more often. I feel more that the end of this school year is not a destination for our efforts but a great milestone on our continued journey to create even more excellent opportunities for children in the future. As we pack the memories of this great year and as time pushes 2015-2016 behind us, I hope you all take a moment to appreciate the hard work of your peers, reflect on your successes, but more importantly take some time to relax and refresh. We have more excitement and opportunities in the next year. 

I feel fortunate to be able to work in a progressive, high achieving, student-centered organization. I appreciate the support you have given our students, one another, and to all our leaders. On behalf of the community and our students, THANK YOU!


Steve Betando

Morgan Hill Unified School District