Published on Page 12 of the August 21,2013 issue of Morgan Hill Life

By Irene Mort

Morgan Hill looks a bit greener and prettier thanks to the South Valley Fleurs Garden Club which promotes gardening education throughout our community.

Last year the Garden Club gave an EduGrow grant to P.A. Walsh Elementary School and Paradise Valley Elementary School so that they could start gardening programs. The money went to buy planters, soil and other items needed to get the school garden clubs started. The Garden Club wants to encourage young people to learn to love getting outdoors and working with their hands in the soil.

Several years ago, the Garden Club planted a butterfly garden at Nordstrom Park. We planted it with a grant from the California Garden Club. The garden is right next to Nordstrom Elementary School and the school kids love coming over and getting tours of the plants and the butterflies. We’re planting more milkweed this year and we hope this plant will attract more Monarch butterflies to Morgan Hill.

Four times a year, Garden Club volunteers work in the soil of 85 planters in downtown Morgan Hill to plant colorful seasonal flowers donated by Dave Vincent of Cal Color. We have Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and people from other clubs and lot of families who work on this project. It really adds a lot to beautifying our community.

Every March, we have a plant sale at BookSmart’s parking lot where we sell heirloom tomato plants to raise money for club projects. People love to purchase our heirloom tomato plant to put in their gardens and grow them for fresh picked tomatoes.

For information on the Garden Club, email [email protected].