Music and dancing promote good health, fun

Published in the June 26 issue of Morgan Hill Life

By Jon Hatakeyama, DDS

The U-Jam group at the2013 Mushroom Mardi Gras. Photo courtesy Jon Hatakeyama

The U-Jam group at the2013 Mushroom Mardi Gras. Photo courtesy Jon Hatakeyama

The U.S. has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, yet the life expectancy for males ranked last of all major industrialized nations, while women’s life span ranks 16th.

To make matters worse, this disparity in lifespan has been widening for the past 30 years, according to a study by the National Institute of Health.

As it turns out, most jobs only a few generations ago were in manufacturing and agriculture, requiring physical labor. The majority of today’s employment consists of sitting in front of a computer or in jobs requiring no physical exertion. It is our unhealthy lifestyles that have caused this mortality gap.

We have forsaken exercise and outdoor activities for sedentary activities after we get home from our stressful, zero exertion jobs.
In the past, many have resorted to jogging as a form of cardio exercise — this or using the treadmill and elliptical machines at local gyms. However, these offer minimal variety and are not much fun.

However, harnessing the appeal of social interaction, variety and music created cardio exercise formats such as Zumba, Turbo Kick and U-Jam.After many years of using treadmill and elliptical machines myself, I had no more to gain from these solitary routines. At the advice of my trainer, I decided to attend U-Jam classes. U-Jam is basically dancing to hip hop music.
However, these exercise regimens are tough. An hour of constant vigorous and coordinated motions involving arms, legs and hips provide a total body effort.

U-Jam is not straightforward exercise, it varies with each class and each tune. U-Jam appeals to those who enjoy social interaction, variety, music and a desire for new challenges. Working in a sedentary profession such as dentistry, U-Jam has proved personally to be a great benefit. U-Jam activity is centered at the local 24-Hour Fitness and is also available at the Centennial Recreation Center and Gold’s Gym.

Don Nguyen, DDS and Jon Hatakeyama, DDS encourages everyone to concentrate on their oral and overall health.