Measure G bond projects enhance school campuses
Published in the Aug. 19 – Sept. 1, 2015 issue of Morgan Hill Life
By Steve Betando
With the Morgan Hill Unified District focusing on a message of “Tapping Our Potential Within,” our students are in for a powerful 2015-2016 school year. We introduced this theme at a recent district-wide meeting of teachers and administrators at Sobrato High School to celebrate the start of the new school year.
Students and parents will see many positive changes with school facilities refreshed with renovated buildings, new technology infrastructure and updated phone and alarm systems. The new Live Oak High School stadium press box is just one of the many enhancements the community will see at our campuses beyond the Measure G bond projects.
Between last year and this year, our plans are packed with initiatives, changes, and improvements. Here is a round-up of what you’ll see the district working on to enhance the learning environment for our students:
Common Core
Common Core State Standards build student capacity for learning and understanding. At all schools, teachers have worked to implement high level instruction using Common Core. CCSS is a clear set of shared goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills students need in English language arts and mathematics at each grade level so they can be prepared to succeed in college, career, and life.
Expansion of the Academy Concept
Individual school communities have come forward to implement academies in the past few years. Jackson Academy of Math and Music was the first. Last year saw San Martin Gwinn develop as an environmental science academy, and P.A. Walsh opened up as a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Academy. The partnerships with businesses and agencies have launched these schools far into the 21st century. San Martin Gwinn also houses the district’s duel immersion multicultural education program that is growing each year in teaching students in both English and Spanish languages.
Instructional Materials
The roll out of one-to-one computer devices began last year and will be completed this year to thrust MHUSD students into their future.
Student Info System
An effective parent portal to check on and assist their child’s progress is just one of the features being developed with an aligned new Student Information System. On-line, real time communication on attendance, grades, and state data is targeted with the acquisition and implementation of the new system.
Middle School Grade Level Reconfiguration
The re-designation of grade level assignments by school for the 2016 school year will be accomplished through careful planning and implementation during this school year. The change also aligns with the 6th through 8th-grade curriculum of the new Next Generation Science Standards and technology plan. Three years at middle school will usher the transition between elementary to middle school, strengthen our school communities and increase parent involvement. The facility benefit will allow the continued expansion of the district’s Class Size Reduction Program at the elementary schools.
Positive Behavior
The district is implementing a new student behavior management system called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.
Every Child has Health Insurance
Regardless of income or family status, this ECHI Project is a district-wide initiative to reach and enroll every child into health insurance through our agreement with the Santa Clara County Children’s Health Initiative Outreach.
Parent Education Classes
The district escalated the Parent Institute for Quality Education program to assist both English-speaking and non-English-speaking parents with great information and techniques in supporting their children’s education.
The expectations and engagement of students have set the stage for this year’s drive of “Tapping Our Potential Within,” to take the schools and students to greater heights for future success.
Employee Dual Language Proficiency
The new Spanish speaking classes for the Workplace Program is being expanded this year so that more non-Spanish-speaking employees can gain multi-language skills.
Healthy Habits
Hydration stations are being installed at each school to support healthy habits and environmental awareness focus.
These are times of rapid change for Morgan Hill schools. Although the recent awards and accomplishments are significant, I am most amazed at the incredible asset reserves found in this educational community and excited about challenge to “Tap Our Potential Within.” We will reach inside ourselves and others to bring out unique qualities, ideas, and opportunities every day for our students.
Steve Betando is the superintendent of the Morgan Hill Unified School District. He wrote this guest column for Morgan Hill Life.