Applications for popular program are accepted through Dec. 30
Published in the December 9 – 22, 2015 issue of Morgan Hill Life
By Karl Bjarke
As the year comes to a close and you ponder your 2016 New Year’s resolutions, consider an opportunity to get yourself involved in our rich and evolving community. As president of the board of directors of the nonprofit group Leadership Morgan Hill, I would like to make everyone aware of a unique opportunity to learn about our wonderful community and to grow your own leadership skills.
According to its mission statement, Leadership Morgan Hill is “dedicated to inspiring future leaders to participate in community service.”
We are currently seeking individuals living or working in the Morgan Hill area who want to contribute their skills, knowledge and expertise for the betterment of our community.
Leadership Morgan Hill offers a nine-month program designed to build leadership skills and to provide the depth of knowledge necessary to make a meaningful contribution to the community. Each participant can expect to come away with a comprehensive knowledge of the local economic, education, health care, and governmental structures of the community, develop new friendships and be exposed to and ready to take on the many opportunities for community involvement in Morgan Hill. The program is structured with about one evening meeting and one all-day working seminar each month. There is also one weekend trip to Sacramento to learn how our California state government operates.
Let me mention some of the highlights from this year’s class:
There were sessions on skills training that included problem solving, conflict resolution, team building and much more.
The class spent time with the professionals who work in the local schools, local health care and social services providers, and local businesses to learn about the current issues affecting those entities.
Participants got to spend a day learning about city government, including a simulated City Council meeting where class members, acting as council members, deliberated an actual current issue and “voted” as the council would.
There was a one-day trip to Sacramento with briefings by local legislators. And last but surely not least, the 2015 Leadership class completed a community project that installed stage lights at the downtown amphitheater in the Community and Cultural Center plaza. This amazing project was chosen by the class and completed by the class as the ultimate team building exercise.
Many charitable organizations here in town have also benefited over the years by each class’s project.
Leadership Morgan Hill selects participants from diverse backgrounds and experiences who have a commitment to community service and a potential for leadership.
Our board of directors believes that diversity enhances all of the program’s activities. Leadership welcomes candidates without regard to gender, color, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, national or ethnic origin, political belief or veteran status.
A variety of criteria are evaluated during the selection process. These include personal motivation, maturity, a directed idealism and leadership ability. A non-profit organization founded in 1995, we are similar in concept to leadership programs in 56 other California communities. We are still accepting applications for this unique leadership training that begins in Jan. 4. Applications and brochures are available at There is a rolling deadline, so applicants are encouraged to apply immediately. No applications will be accepted after Dec. 30.
Members of our board of directors and alumni are available to talk with prospective applicants about the program by calling Cricket Rubino at (408) 778-7211.
Karl Bjarke is the director of public works for the city of Morgan Hill and the president of the board for Leadership Morgan Hill. He wrote this column for Morgan Hill Life.