Published in the March 2-15, 2016 issue of Morgan Hill Life
By Zaria Kelley
When Ann Sobrato High School opened in 2006, a mock trial team was started. It is led by teacher Howard Barnes who has served as the teacher/coach for Mock Trial teams for more than 20 years. And this year is the first year one of his teams has had made it to the final Santa Clara County competition. Local attorneys Matt Parrella and Jeffrey Nunes also assist Barnes.
This year’s mock trial case involves a student-athlete from a fictitious Central Coast University that is claiming police abuse. The cases are typically very uncertain, which allows the students to argue both sides of the case. For the students, the mock trial program is part debate and part drama. The mock trial program uses actual judges and lawyers who volunteer.
Sobrato’s team has about 20 students who are split into roles for the prosecution and defense. There are also support roles such as bailiff and time-keeper. The students must learn proper courtroom decorum, procedures, and professionalism. When they argue the cases, they must learn the details of the testimony, plan their arguments, and be able to quickly think and adjust as they take questions from the judges, and make and respond to objections.
Barnes, the attorney advisers, and students on this year’s team started working in mid-October, with the first competition starting in early February. The road to the finals has included wins over teams from prestigious public and private high schools.
Sobrato’s team was undefeated throughout the tournament. On Feb. 23, Sobrato beat the previously undefeated Willow Glen High School for the county title and will represent Santa Clara County in the state competition beginning in March.
Zaria Kelley is a freshman at Sobrato High School. She wrote this column for Morgan Hill Life.