Published on the Morgan Hill Life website on April 25, 2016

Brandon Miner, Elle Munk, Ellie Tuttle, Moises Martinez, Makenna Lewis, Ally Garcia, Marcos Arellano, Malynn Plaza, Julie Terrazas, Bryn Rasmussen, MacKenzie Mitchell, Rhyleigh Thompson, Rachel Sjostedt. Photo courtesy Tari Mitchell

Color Guard members (from top left) Brandon Miner, Elle Munk, Ellie Tuttle, Moises Martinez, Makenna Lewis, Ally Garcia, Marcos Arellano, Malynn Plaza, Julie Terrazas, Bryn Rasmussen, MacKenzie Mitchell, Rhyleigh Thompson and Rachel Sjostedt.
Photo courtesy Tari Mitchell

Congratulations to the Live Oak 2016 Winterguard for the completion of a highly successful season. The team took first place out of 11 competitors in their Scholastic A Class at the California Color Guard Circuit Championship Competition on April 2, 2016 at James Logan High School in Union City.  They won every caption award and over 5 pointed the second place competitor, Live Oak Emerald Regime Boost member Tari Mitchell proudly told us.

Color guard is an artistic interpretation of music through dance and flag/rifle work. Live Oak Winter Guard is a competitive team. They compete against other guards in gymnasiums during the winter season.  Then in the fall they perform with the marching band and compete on football fields.

“This was an important win for the team because it has been years since Live Oak has had such a large team.  We now have an amazing Color Guard program at Britton Middle School and were able to have a few of their members compete with Live Oak,” Mitchell told us. “This gave us the size needed to be really competitive. Live Oak hasn’t come close to placing in championships for years and this year had such a talented group of kids that worked so hard to perfect a beautiful show titled ‘From the Ashes,’ that they surprised even themselves with the amazing season they had.”