Published in the October 10 – 23, 2018 issue of Morgan Hill Life

Tara Bevington

As a board trustee, I will continue to seek out opportunities for families to partner with educators to achieve student success. Commitment to service and dedication to our students is why I chose to run for school board trustee. These values are deeply rooted in the experience I have gained while serving in supporting organizations of the Morgan Hill Unified School District. By serving on three school site councils, co-president of the Paradise Valley Home and School Club, as Britton Middle School’s volleyball coach and currently as vice president of fundraising for the Live Oak Band Boosters, I have first-hand knowledge that I will access when making decisions on behalf of our students. Practicing good governance in these positions enables me to understand the opportunities, as well as the challenges, that our students and families encounter. These experiences have also allowed me to witness the immense positive impact that family engagement has in the outcomes of student achievement.

Financial stewardship is a primary responsibility of trustees. Relying on my degree in accounting, my position as executive director of a nonprofit which operates nonpublic schools and the competencies acquired during my career in finance, budgeting, and human resources has qualified me to make sound fiscal decisions that will ensure our district remains financially sound while providing the best possible experience for our students.

Trustees must work together to be highly effective.  I have campaigned with four candidates in other school board trustee areas and believe this demonstrates my ability to work with my potential fellow board members towards a common goal.

My passion to support our schools, backed by relevant knowledge, skills and experience, qualifies me to fulfill my commitment to our students and ensure that all are empowered to achieve their unique potential. Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook at @BevingtonMHUSDtrustee2