Let’s Continue Our Celebration of the Fourth of July . . . With a Crazy and Audacious Goal

Dear Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen

July 4, 2022

This graphic will change into a box with a quote from the elected official after they take the survey and provide their short comment.

I hope you and your family enjoyed a fun and festive Independence Day weekend. Let’s continue our celebration by uniting America around a “crazy and audacious” goal.

The Fourth of July means more than a hometown parade, a backyard barbecue and a fireworks show. Our national holiday lets us as one American people unite in the celebration of our rights and freedoms.

Unfortunately, as I’m sure you also know, we Americans are losing our liberty. What we’re seeing on the news lately is disturbing. I’m sure you agree with me we must take action now to save our beloved nation.

No doubt, the biggest challenge we have as a people is our increasing division. It seems as if we’re becoming every year even more polarized as a people.

To keep America safe from tyranny, we, the people, need to unite around the ideals of our experiment in democracy.

Let me propose that we strive for a moonshot goal – a goal that goes beyond the Apollo program half a century ago.

What we need is an “crazy and audacious” goal that will bring all Americans – men, women and children — together in the spirit of daring our nation was founded on.

Let us tap into our national belief that no goal is impossible if we team together to make it a reality.

Here’s my proposal for a crazy and audacious goal to give today’s children. It’s called Vision-2020: A world forever free of wars by Christmas Day in the year 2040.

If Vision-2020 succeeds, it will be the most important movement humanity has ever achieved: True. global peace.

Maybe you might suppose the goal of global peace is impossible. Believe me, humanity now has the tools to make that ancient dream a modern reality – and in less than two decades.

For the first time in human history, we have a global industrial civilization where all people are connected through commerce and technology, much of it from innovations developed in our Silicon Valley region.

If you believe that the dream of global peace is worth the effort to achieve, I invite you to be a “hero for humanity.” Join me and potentially millions of Americans to make it a reality.

The first step is an easy one for you to take. It will require three minutes of your time – and I guarantee it will be enjoyable.

I invite you to let your constituents know you support a global peace movement. All you need to do is take a short JotForm survey asking what kind of world you would like the children of today to be living in at the end of the year 2040.

At the end of the survey, you’ll find a comment box. Please feel free to tell the public about your opinions on Vision-2020’s pursuit of peace. I encourage you to share a short quote about your thoughts on this endeavor and why it’s important for you as a person and as a leader.

If you choose to provide your comment, I’ll include it on a special webpage created for you on the Morgan Hill Life website.

I’ll also share your comments with the editors of various newspapers in Santa Clara County. Their reporters might want to use them for a story showing the interest local elected officials have for saving the American experiment of democracy through the Vision-2020 Global Peace Movement.

The second step I also encourage you to take is to share your personal Vision-2020 webpage on your social media. Ask people who follow you to learn about the global peace movement and understand how it can help unite Americans — and thus save our republic. Teaming together, we can do amazing things. Our history proves that fact.

And if you have $30 or $60 to help financially support the Vision-2020 global peace movement, I encourage you to purchase either one or both of the books that describe in more detail the movement. All royalty money – about $15 from each sale — goes to build the movement. Click on the links to purchase them on Amazon.com:

The first book is a nonfiction book titled Vision-2020: Be a Hero for Humanity.

The second book is a science-fiction mystery titled Humanity: A Vision-2020 Novel.

Thank you for all the energy and time you put into your service as an elected official. And thank you also for reading this message to this point. It just might be the most important email you receive this year.

Now . . . if you’re ready to help unite Americans and save democracy, please place your cursor on the graphic below and click on it. That action will be a small but significant step to your becoming a hero for humanity:

Or click here on this link: https://form.jotform.com/martincheek/district-attorneyJeffRosen

Best regards,

Marty Cheek

Publisher, Life Media Group

(Morgan Hill Life and Gilroy Life newspapers)

16360 Monterey Rd., Suite 246

Morgan Hill, Calif. 95037

(408) 782-7575