Morgan Hill City Council Candidate Yvonne Martinez Beltran

 yvonne martinez beltran

Yvonne Martinez Beltran

I am mother to twins and a toddler, a business owner, and current Councilwoman. Raised in District B, my family has been here over 40 years. I attended Morgan Hill schools, graduated from Live Oak High School and earned a NYU Master’s in Urban Planning in Housing and Economic Development. I am running for re-election because I care about public safety, preserving the essence of, and securing the economic strength and direction of Morgan Hill.

My policy leads with inclusion, equity and engaging community- seniors, families, children, youth, representing and collaborating with everyone. I am committed to our public safety, and ensured our deferred unfunded liabilities and key needs for police and fire including staffing, equipment and building our firehouse were discussed, funded and addressed in budget allocations. I worked tirelessly to protect the community against COVID, bringing testing, vaccinations, funding, resources and online webinars to Morgan Hill.

I have worked responsibly to balance achieving statewide housing RHNA requirements to keep local control, while advancing sustainability. I am a proponent of Economic Development, supporting existing businesses, attracting new businesses committed to a win-win partnership, and business incubation and vocational training to close our jobs to housing gap compared to northern neighbors. I will continue to press for 101 enhancements, caltrain electrification, transit and express buses, and addressing traffic, pedestrian and bicycle safety comprehensively. With the Anderson Dam retrofit and continuing water conservation regionally, we must also increase non-potable water use, explore potable recycled water, and invest in pipeline, purification and infrastructure to ensure water security.

I have listened, negotiated and taken action to ensure your voice matters, advocating for you at every level- from local to federal, proving to be a champion to vote for and that you can count on! Please visit my Facebook page YvonneForMorganHill Thank you!

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