“Honk! Jr.” is a delightful journey full of fun and important lessons for young people

Children performers in “Honk, Jr.” dressed in duckling costumes. Photo courtesy Chris Foster/SVCT

By Camille Bounds

Camille Bounds

A delightful aura floats over a cast of junior role players from six to around 13 who give their all in “Honk! Jr.” Based on the Hans Christian Anderson fairytale “The Ugly Duckling,” South Valley Civic Theater’s children show provides a lesson against intolerance and bullying.

The show tells the tale of an odd-looking duckling cruelly nicknamed “Ugly” who goes on an adventure away from his barnyard home and learns some important life lessons in the South Valley Civic Theatre show. It opened Oct. 1 for a four-weekend run at the Morgan Hill Community Playhouse.

The entire cast seems to have a dedicated good time as well as the audience. Where did SVCT find these young performers who give full honesty and energy to their roles and seem to be having the time of their lives? From the littlest to the eldest, everyone delivers.

“Ugly” is played wonderfully by Miriam Shem-Tov. After he is born, he is teased by his brothers and sisters and friends about his appearance. He is seduced away from the duckpond by the cunning “Cat” (Ashlen Hsu) who schemes to eat the young duckling for dinner. “Ugly” escapes the feline’s clutches but becomes lost as he sets out to find his way back to his duck pond. In his adventures, he encounters a beautiful swan named  Penny (Grace Butler) tangled in a fishing line. He saves her and the two birds form a close friendship.

The rest of the cast is made up of Chloe Grotz as Ida (Ugly’s mom), Alexis Hsu as Fluff (Duckling), Goose, Froglet, Alice Ball as Bullfrog, Poultry, Goose, Ava Meehan as Greylag, Poultry, Frog, Brenden Oliphant as “Drake,” Cady Oliphant as Billy (Duckling), Snowy (Gooselet), Froglet, Claire Oliphant as Grace, Dot (Goose), Frog, Gabby Oliphant as “Maureen,” Camera Crew, Goose, Genie Oliphant as Beaky (Duckling), Barnacles (Goose), Froglet, Grace Butler Penny, Poultry, Blizzard Female Solo, Izzy Oliphant as Duckling, Goose, Froglet, Jace Puente as Downy (Duckling), Pinkfoot (Goose), Froglet, Julia Tracy as Henrietta, Swans, Camera Crew, and Liam Grotz as Poultry, Camera Crew, Goose, Frog.


Christine Carrillo’s choreography is charming and not overdone. Vocal Director Lynette Oliphant keeps the voices holding notes in the right places. Lorraine Bell’s costumes fit the moment. Tressa Bender’s direction keeps these little “hams” in their place and gives everyone the spot they are supposed to be in. What a brave lady! Producers Marianne Snook and Jenn Oliphant hold the production together. Sound and lighting by Spencer Oliphant and set design by Tressa Bender bring a professional touch to the performance.

Photo courtesy Chris Foster/SVCT

But the prize for organization and always having everyone properly dressed and there for a cue goes to the “Kid Wranglers,” the team of Rashonda Butler, Cambria Pace, Cate Pace, Tammy Simpson, Stephanie Snyder and Rachel Tracy.

At my performance no one missed a cue and everyone knew where they belonged on stage because there was someone there to be sure the person and the moment was in their proper place. They deserve an award. Try organizing a “flock” of kids performing as barnyard animals for 90 minutes.

Lately with the news so unnerving, “Honk Jr” is here at just the right time. The kids are wonderful and the story has a fine message and is a joy to watch. Go relax and have a delightful journey.


Camille Bounds is the theater and arts entertainment reviewer for the Morgan Hill and Gilroy Life.