Liz Lawler

My name is Liz Lawler, I’m running for state assembly to restore much needed balance, accountability and cooperation to Sacramento.  Our schools, once  the best, have plummeted to 44th in the nation.  We rank last in the nation in terms of business climate, and 47th in the nation for taxpayer return on investment. Yet Sacramento continues business as usual, ramming through policies that do not benefit from robust debate, success measures or accountability for the situation we are facing now.

I have a proven track record as a member of the Monte Sereno City Council of working collaboratively to find common sense solutions to the issues facing our city, including constituent responsiveness and budget transparency. I have addressed difficult land use decisions amicably through engagement with all parties involved without losing the integrity of our community standards, and have developed and executed a successful road resurfacing plan. I will bring this same approach to tackle the challenges facing our state.

I am not a career politician. In fact, my public service began with potholes. I was not looking for recognition, but better roads for my neighbors and my family. Our city streets were In disrepair, and after lobbying our city, I was appointed to the newly created Better Streets Commission.  I later saw needs at the city level, so I ran and was elected to City Council.  Having served on our city council for four years and as vice mayor and mayor, it was clear to me that we needed common sense legislators in Sacramento to effectively address the issues facing our state.

I have served as an elected member of a legislative body, as a city Councilmember and mayor, and have the governance and real-life experience needed to be an effective legislator in Sacramento. I would appreciate your vote.