Click on headlines below to discover the latest news and opinions in our community
Main story: Anderson Dam retrofit hits a major milestone with tunnel
Guest column by Rich Hinnenkamp: Inexpensive ride service transports residents through town
Entertainment: Pintello celebrates 20 years of fun with ‘Spamalot’
Editorial: COVID cases are on the rise, protect yourself and others
Ribbon Cutting – James Ward Financial
Education: Science Fair trains students to use critical thinking, communication skills
Garlic farmer, philanthropist Don Christopher fondly remembered
Sidebar: Garlic Festival co-founder helped shaped the region’s famous food event
Senior profile: Morgan Hill man honored for preserving history of Japanese American soldiers
Holidays: Morgan Hill woman rides the ‘Pony Express’ for Christmas cards delivery
Free AAUW Gov Trek program trains young women in skills for career in government
Breaking News: County encourages the public to nominate mental health heroes
Contributed story: Students share holiday joy through music with Morgan Hill seniors
Entertainment: “Mamma Mia!” onstage with love, laughter and friendship at Mount Madonna School
Breaking news: With respiratory viruses circulating, take actions to stay healthy for the holidays