Evolution is about knowing who you are, not finding yourself.

The Secret Door owner Raina Munson displays a crystal piece. Photo courtesy The Secret Door

By David Dindak

David Dindak

Walking into The Secret Door, I thought I was about to interview a retailer of museum quality crystals and minerals, fine artisan crafts, art, and jewelry with the scent of . . . euphoria. But what I learned during the next hour was those retail items are gateways to learning of one’s inner self. It was a conversation I’ve never experienced.

Everything sold, supplied and advised at The Secret Door is meant to create and increase abundance of mental clarity, elevate, amplify, and focus intentions, and connect to specific frequencies for meditation, goal setting, planning and environmental harmonic resonance.  Say that three times fast.

Think of it this way — all things in life are measured in vibration and frequency. You are an antenna receiving and emitting a specific frequency. Ever feel like a popcorn machine, unsettled with kernels blasting away all around you?

Owner Raina Munson maintains evolution is about knowing who you are, not finding yourself. She’s a Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Empath, and Holistic Life Coach providing modalities like chromotherapy, guided meditation and both individual and group classes. She helps clear and unblock drained and jumbled energy and helps you access the power to heal yourself. She helps people find work/life balance, connect to one’s intuitive not just physical self, and says you have all the tools, but often are unable to access them.

Her shops offer very rare and potent energetic crystal and mineral specimens to be used both as décor and as tools for spiritual process. These materials have been extracted from the Earth’s core for millennia by every civilization going back to pre-Egyptian and Pre-Ming Dynasty, have been used as primitive tools and implements, as paint in cave drawings, and are mentioned several times in the Bible.

Raina explained the jewelry, implements, tools, and other adornments are decorative items for home and office, but have so much more value in connecting with the vibration of life, and she’ll show you how to use them.

The stores also offer a lot of local art, candles, bath and body products, and their own line of crystal intention candles to enlighten and enrich your life.

When you’re ready to harness that inner you, Raina will consult and create a custom roadmap to follow. As quasi-group therapeutics, she holds paint night, crystal jewelry-making classes, and guided meditation classes. She’ll also schedule crystal concierge home visits to understand your environment, get intentions for the space, suggest the appropriate material, and show you where to place it. Raina says everyone can benefit from these beautiful healing modalities. She works from children to all ages, circumstances, and backgrounds.

Clientele is composed of non-spirited high stress tech types, linear scientific thinkers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, medical professionals, and anyone in between. They’re all  linked because they are taxed to the limit and looking for something to bring relief to tremendous stress. Many clients experience results after the first visit and often follow up by maintenance and sustainability.

Raina believes Morgan Hill feels like a little town with a big city’s vibrant potent internal energy as the result of its one-of-a- kind Poppy Jasper gemstone’s power for stabilizing and energizing our region.

Her message: Your time is now.  Everything and anything you can identify as a goal, dream or desire can be attained with focused intention and practical application.

Until next time, wishing you and yours the feng shui (wind water) or balance and harmony we all strive for.

David Dindak is president of the Morgan Hill Downtown Association, co-owner of Bubbles & Brew and a RE/MAX Realtor.