Chamber launched three significant programs and services to support businesses

By Nick Gaich

Nick Gaich

Since 1964 the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce has been privileged to support our community as a preeminent business-centric organization. For 59 years we’ve been committed to fulfilling our mission of service as a catalyst for business growth, a convener for leaders and influencers, and a champion for a stronger, more vibrant community.

As we continue our pledge of support in 2023-2024, the Chamber will serve as bold advocates for Morgan Hill’s businesses, non-profits, and residents by enhancing those programs that encourage and enable our business community to locate, expand and prosper in Morgan Hill.

Recognizing business prosperity, economic growth, and education as our central tenants of success in 2023-2024, the Chamber is intensifying our efforts in Workforce Development. We have introduced new programs, training opportunities, and mentoring activities, with a full range of focus to help our high school students on their journey to becoming future business leaders and professionals; hopefully inspiring them to stretch their talents and expertise as entrepreneurs and pioneers of business.

During the next two years we will continue to roll out a series of programs with four areas of concentration: a business educational curriculum; applied training; business support tools; and internship and apprentice collaborations.

Recently we have launched three significant programs and services to support those areas of concentration:

Under the direction of Kylie McLaughlin, director of social media and digital advertising and Quick 5 Podcast producer, we launched “MH Jobs” a job board specific to our Morgan Hill businesses and residents providing community based local job placement services.

“Our intent with MHJobs is to connect local businesses who have positions to fill with local qualified job seekers,” McLaughlin said. “Hiring local people benefits everyone. It eliminates long commute times for employees, provides qualified people who know their business for employers, and keeps money circulating in our local economy.

If you’re looking to hire locals, just send an email to  [email protected] for more information. And if you are a job seeker who is ready to work where you live then check out and start your search today.”

Beyond the job board we are providing a full cycle applied training and educational platform.

In collaboration with Santa Clara County’s Workforce Development Fiscal Agent, Work2Future, we have introduced a workforce development business internship, assistance with new hire onboarding, and incumbent employee training programs. All three of these programs are federal and state run grant subsidies that will cover the cost per employee (up to specific caps) with the intention of providing pathways for job seekers, young adults, and existing workers to skill-up their job skills at no cost to the employer.

For more information, please contact the Chamber at (408) 779-9444.

Lastly, we launched our Retail Focused Educational Series, the first of which was hosted by Raina Munson, owner/operator of The Secret Door, with guest speaker Nathan Ulsh, Partner at Community Strong Strategies. He provided the audience with trends and forecasts of the retail market, as well as targeted Morgan Hill assets to consider for retail business resiliency and growth.

We are privileged to work in partnership with the city of Morgan Hill, the Morgan Hill Unified School District, Gavilan Community College, and our business community members on future program roll outs. Stay tuned for much more from your Chamber.

Nick Gaich is the president.CEO of the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce. If you would like to explore more about these and future programs, email him at [email protected].