Our collective responsibility as an electorate is to make voting decisions based on facts.

This editorial is the opinion of Morgan Hill Life

An important aspect of protecting our democracy is being properly informed voters who can sort through what may or may not be trustworthy information. Here are some tips for navigating elections in our modern media landscape including AI and deepfakes:

  • Check multiple news sources with strong editorial standards when seeing questionable stories about candidates or election procedures. Responsible journalism remains the best filter for disinformation. Lean on established names you already trust as anchors.
  • Look for signs of AI-generated content like odd voice cadences or jittery video. Understand that technology is improving. When unsure, search cautiously on credible fact-checking sites about suspect viral stories without spreading them further.
  • Use common sense as a guide. If content tries provoking especially strong outrage, confirmation bias, fear or disgust, be more skeptical about its intentions to manipulate you versus inform ethically.
  • Look to neutral civic groups like election boards and secretaries of state for official voting instructions and rules rather than random social media posts. Go to source websites and documents.
  • Remember disinformation typically aims to divide and enflame tensions. Practice empathy with fellow voters even when political disagreements exist or concerning messages appear targeted at specific demographics.
  • Notify authorities if you believe you uncover definite proof of intentional disinformation related to the electoral process rather than just spreading it further. Targeted election hoaxes undermine us all.

Staying vigilant yet avoiding overreactions, turning to trusted channels, and verifying questionable viral information before sharing can help mitigate risks of disinformation interference while still fostering free and open democratic discourse. Our collective responsibility as an electorate is to make voting decisions based on facts.