MySyde was born out of her challenges.

From left: The MySyde crew are Jackson Lewis, Briell Delisle, Francesca Delisle, Ricky Delisle, Marilyn Garcia, Xander Delisle, Roberta Wu, Belen Peinado. Photo courtesy Chamber of Commerce

By Cheri Brown

Cheri Brown

Francesca Delisle has been a personal chef for more than 10 years. In that time she learned that one of the most challenging aspects of running her business was marketing her business.  Social media marketing requires in-depth knowledge, and constant monitoring to ensure the business is matching algorithms which change regularly. Creating impactful social media content requires a skill set that doesn’t necessarily align with the skills required to excel as a personal chef.

“My clients are extremely varied,” Delisle said. “To advertise on social media your target market needs to have a specific demographic that my clients don’t share.”

MySyde was born out of her challenges. She created an app focused on marketing for micro businesses to small businesses.

“I wanted to create a positive environment, where the community can connect, and businesses can put out their story for others to see,” she said.

It is a Federal Trades Commission violation to pay for reviews on Yelp and Google with a fine of up to $43,792 per violation. However, a quick search reveals companies that will provide that service. In addition, social media can be a very negative experience.

To avoid this, there are reviews on MySyde, but users are asked to endorse people they do business with. This allows users to see who endorses local businesses. If your neighbor or friend endorses a business you are likely to have more assurances that the business will provide great service.

Now, Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce has partnered with MySyde. Nick Gaich President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce said they support local businesses, and appreciates how MySyde has created a business around creating a better community.

‘It is so much more than solving a business challenge,” Gaich said.

The MySyde app also has an extensive calendar application, all types of events can be shared on this calendar by businesses and community organizations, allowing the community a one-stop shop to see what activities are available.

“The alignment of our two companies to fulfill a mission of service as the catalyst for business growth, a convener for leaders and influencers and a champion for a stronger and vibrant community could not be a better fit as MySyde’s singular purpose to be recognized as the trusted application to ‘Connect Local Business with Community’ is a testament to our combined purpose of service.”

Download the MySyde app on Google Play or the Apple App store today to start participating. If your business has events, you can upload the information. Take a moment to register your business and endorse the businesses you work with. MySyde has the potential to create a kinder, gentler online experience.

Cheri Brown is a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Reach her at [email protected].