Surprisingly, Alayyeb’s entry into the pizza industry was unintentional.

Hamdey Altayyeb makes a pizza in his My Pizza restaurant in Morgan Hill. Photo by Ishq Kandhra


By Ishq Kandhra

Ishq Kandhra

Photo by Ishq Kandhra

Walking into My Pizza for the first time, I did not know about Hamdey Altayyeb’s journey from war-torn Syria to becoming a successful restaurateur. Not only was I embraced by the mouth-watering aroma of fresh-baked pizza, but also by Hamdey’s warm personality.

Charismatic, friendly, and above all personable, the Palestinian-Syrian gives character to his business. His story is a testament to resilience, determination, and the transformative power of community.

Although he was forced to flee his home country after the outbreak of war in 1989, Hamdey still held great hope with the support of his friends. Surviving by couch-surfing in their homes while working 15 hours a day, he has one of the most inspiring success stories in all of Morgan Hill.

Surprisingly, his entry into the pizza industry was unintentional. Living with a friend who owned a pizza place, Hamdey started working there out of necessity. He did everything from dishwashing to delivery. I was surprised to hear that it was there that he learned the ins and outs of the pizza business, as dishwashing is not the conventional way one falls in love with a restaurant. Witnessing his friend’s success as a restaurant owner sparked a dream in Hamdey: he wanted to own his own pizza restaurant, but with a unique, gourmet twist.

Photo by Ishq Kandhra

As I listened to Hamdey vividly describe his dream, I was instantly captivated and struck with inspiration.  What drove Hamdey was not just ambition, but the weight of responsibility. With family members displaced and struggling to survive back in Syria, he was determined to send remittances home, even when he was earning just $4 an hour. This motivation fueled his commitment to achieving his dream, because as Hamdey says; “I owe it to this town because it took care of my family.”

I was dazzled by Hamdey’s business philosophy, which is rooted in hard-earned wisdom. He believes in the importance of building a strong team and establishing oneself before taking a step back. With starting a business comes investment, and a business, he argues, must have both starting capital and operational funds to succeed. For Hamdey, no matter the money invested, a business will not escape competition unless it has a niche. He believes that a restaurant can only be successful once it answers the question: “What am I doing to have someone come to my business?”  Being self-aware and continuously improving are character traits that Hamdey exhibits, but they’re also key for any successful owner.

With a glimmer in his eyes, he told me: “Make a goal, decide it’s what you want, give the instructions to your brain that’s where you’re going, and the brain will find a path.” This mantra, along with his belief that partial effort yields partial results, illustrates his approach to business and life. Personally advising me against taking more than what is needed, Hamdey emphasized on a humble and minimalistic approach to business.

Photo by Ishq Kandhra

Even though his choice to go into the restaurant industry was sparked by his friend’s pizzeria, Hamdey’s vision for My Pizza extends far beyond any pizzeria’s traditional offerings. I was surprised to hear he believes in making food that appeals to everyone, providing comfort with classic options because he still offers more adventurous pizzas for those willing to try something new. His menu features specialty pizzas like the cheesy shrimp and alfredo pizza, and spinach with a bright raspberry vinaigrette and savory crumbles of blue cheese. Trying one of the many varieties myself, I can say there is not one dull pizza at My Pizza. Even the simplest pizzas are touched with a fresh flavor like no other, similar to Hamdey’s zest for life himself. To Hamdey, a pizza is an artist’s canvas, and he delights in the creative possibilities it offers, especially in how it can benefit others.

Hamdey’s commitment to his community is as strong as his work ethic. Working 14 to 15 hour days, seven days a week in both San Jose and Morgan Hill, he saved diligently while supporting his family. For Hamdey the joy of seeing a customer’s smile is his greatest reward. It inspires him to actively give back to the community. Recently for Teacher Appreciation Week., he gave free catered lunches for local school teachers in the Morgan Hill Unified School District.

Promoting My Pizza in its early days required innovative marketing strategies. Hamdey would give free samples to local business owners and their staff, believing the best advertising is experiencing his pizza firsthand. At first, I did not understand this style of marketing, as you are literally giving away free inventory. But according to Hamdey, there are many more reactions, skills, and experiences created when eating a slice of pizza and associating emotions with it. This hands-on approach extended to his involvement in the restaurant’s daily operations, especially during the initial stages.

Respect for his staff is a cornerstone of Hamdey’s management style. His extensive training fosters a patient, friendly work environment, and builds new staff skills easily. Employees are encouraged to strive for excellence, with a support system in place to help them achieve it. Questions and curiosity are welcomed, as they are essential for growth, Hamdey believes.

“The higher the goal, the bigger the dream, the more sacrifice and effort needed,” Hamdey said. These words symbolize the journey the Syrian immigrant has taken for his restaurant. Relentless, tiring, but rewarding work is what Hamdey completed to get where he is. His journey from a war refugee to a respected business owner is a powerful reminder that with determination, hard work, and a supportive community, extraordinary dreams can become reality.

Ishq Kandhra will be a junior at Sobrato High School this fall. She wrote this column for Morgan Hill Life.