Freedom Fest 2024 contest winners show their love of America

Published on on June 24

The 2024 Freedom Fest Essay Contest showcases the creativity and patriotism of Morgan Hill’s young minds. This year, elementary school students were invited to express their thoughts on the theme “Red, White and You,” celebrating what makes America great and the individuals who contribute to our nation’s strength and diversity.

Organized by Karen Crane, a retired Morgan Hill teacher, the contest encouraged students to reflect on the meaning of freedom and recognize those who make a difference in their community and country. The essays demonstrate the children’s appreciation for various professions and individuals, from first responders and armed forces to small business owners and nurses.

We are proud to present the winning entries in two divisions: Primary (grades K-3) and Intermediate (grades 4-5). These young writers have captured the spirit of Freedom Fest with their heartfelt tributes and insightful observations. Their inspiring essays remind us of the values we celebrate during Freedom Fest and the bright future of our community. Congratulations to all participants for their thoughtful contributions!

Please join us in congratulating the following winners:

Primary Division:
Grand Prize: Carly Fisher, 3rd Grade, Paradise Valley Engineering Academy
Second Prize: Ella Rose Thome, 2nd Grade, Jackson Academy of Math and Music
Third Prize: Andrew Neill, 3rd Grade, El Toro Health Science Academy

Intermediate Division:
Grand Prize: Daniel Tureav, 5th Grade, Barrett Elementary
Second Prize: Emma McCoy, 5th Grade, Ocean Grove
Third Prize: Damian Ceja Sanchez, 5th Grade, Barrett Elementary School


By Carly Fisher

There are lots of people who make this country great.  Our Armed Forces fight for our country’s freedom. Firefighters put out fires and keep people safe.  Doctors and veterinarians take care of people and animals and make sure they’re healthy. But, I’d really like to thank a very special group of people who also help make our country awesome – Police Officers!

My dad is a retired police officer.  He got hurt doing his job keeping others safe.  It takes a lot of courage to be a police officer.  They stop bad guys from hurting other people.  They’re always there for people who are in danger or injured.  Police Officers keep kids safe by teaching them to follow laws and pay attention to their surroundings.

Morgan Hill even has a police dog named Basco! He uses his nose to sniff out drugs.  Basco works with his dad, Sergeant Pires. Police Officers are always working, even on holidays.  They are very dedicated to their job.  They’re brave because they run toward danger when everyone’s running away from it.

Thank you, Police Officers, for keeping our country safe and making it a great place to be.



By Ella Rose Thome

Dear Nurses,

I would like to thank you for keeping the world healthy.  My mom is a nurse and I know how hard you work.  My mom tells me all about it!  You sometimes have to do heart surgery if someone’s heart is not working or if something is wrong.  If people get really sick and you were not there, those people could have died, but with you here most people can live.  You help moms have their babies and help make sure that they are healthy.  You give us medicine to make us healthy if you can’t, but the medicine can. That is why I thank YOU as part of the great Red, White, and YOU!

Your friend, Ella Rose Thome


By Andrew Neill

Dear Armed Forces,

Thank you for serving our country and keeping us safe.  Every day you wake up and fight for our country.  You risk your life every day.  You contribute and protect us every single day.  I appreciate you every day. Thank you for making this country great, it wouldn’t be the same without you. Again, thank you for serving our country.

Sincerely, Andrew Neill


By Daniel Tureav

When chaos and uncertainty looms, heroes who embody courage, and selflessness come. These are first responders, the steadfast preservers of our communities, who answer the call of duty with unwavering heart. Your commitment is unparalleled, and it is with gratitude that I give my thanks to you, brave men and women.

First, I express my appreciation for the sacrifices you make each day. You put your lives on the line to ensure the safety and well-being of others, often facing perilous situations without hesitation. Whether rushing into burning buildings to save lives, providing medical care at the scene of an accident, or confronting acts of violence, you show bravery in the face of adversity. Your commitment to protecting life and property is nothing short of heroic.

Moreover, you serve as beacons of hope and reassurance in times of crisis. Your quick response to emergencies instills a sense of security within our communities, offering support to those in need. Your compassion and empathy shine as you provide aid to those experiencing tragedy and hardship.

Additionally, I recognize the skill and expertise you hold in your respective fields. Through rigorous training and education, you equip yourselves with the knowledge and proficiency necessary to find the way through the most challenging of situations. Your professionalism and competence enable you to make split-second decisions under pressure, often with lives hanging in the balance. Your dedication to honing your skills ensures that you are prepared to confront any challenge with precision and effectiveness.

Moreso, I acknowledge the sacrifices you and your families endure. The demanding nature of your work often requires long hours, sleepless nights, and time away from loved ones. Yet, despite the inherent challenges and hardships, you remain steadfast in your commitment to serving others. Your resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the true meaning of selflessness.

In conclusion, the debt of gratitude owed to you, first responders, is immeasurable. Your unwavering dedication, courage, and sacrifice embody the very of America’s spirit. As I reflect on your contributions to our communities, let me honor your service with the utmost respect and appreciation. To you, our first responders, I say thank you—for your heart, and your commitment to keeping us safe.

By Emma McCoy

I would like to thank small business owners and workers for making America a better place, because most of the big companies in America started as small businesses, and businesses need owners and workers. Another reason is that they work long days, and their work provides goods and services to the community.

In Downtown Morgan Hill, there are a lot of unique stores, and it’s not just goods and clothes stores that make America a better place, restaurants give exhausted and tired adults a meal off of cooking and washing lots of dirty dishes and silverware.  Grocery stores also provide food so that not everybody has to work on a farm and grow and harvest good crops.

Most helpful inventions and businesses started when people saw a need and want for something and filled it, and, it usually makes life easier.  For example, cleaning businesses make it so that if you do not have time to clean your house, they will do it for you. Building companies make it so you do not have to spend time building whatever you need.  If we did not have grocery stores, restaurants, and clothes stores, then you would have to plant, grow, and process your own food, sew your clothes, and take care of animals. And because everybody, including kids, would be busy all day, kids would not be able to go to school!

Thankfully, though, this is not how we live today. And, we even have activities like sports and games, and entertainment like the movie theater and the Morgan Hill Playhouse.  Also, there are lots of programs run by people which may include; theater, sports, sewing, and gymnastics.

In some places, there are not many activities for kids.  Business owners and workers help make these opportunities possible.  There are so many stores and restaurants in Morgan Hill, I can’t even count them all! There are also bookstores, toy stores, and craft stores.

Because of all the workers and owners, businesses help make America a great place.  America is still not perfect, but people and businesses help make it better. Again, I would like to thank all the small business owners and workers.  If you are a small business owner or worker, THANK YOU!

By Damian Ceja Sanchez

During the Freedom Fest Essay Contest, I would like to consider my older brother. My brother is a part of the Armed Forces and has been in the Army since he was 18 years old.  I’ve seen everything he went through which is why he came to mind.

Thanks to the military men and women for protecting our country and giving us freedom.  We thank them for risking their lives to save us.  We have to consider them because they go through wars, hard training, and more.

Armed Forces are not the only ones to thank but they are the ones who put themselves first in case of an emergency. I’ve come to learn how difficult it is to stay in the Armed Forces and be physically and mentally prepared for anything.

Thank you to the Armed Forces for training the soldiers the way they are supposed to be.  Even if the soldiers have difficult times, they still protect our country and keep us safe and protect our freedom.

Thank you to all the hard-working people who make this country peaceful and safe.  Thank you to my brother, Alex, who chooses to be a part of the Armed Forces.  Going forward we should do better in the world since we have amazing people around us to protect it.