Click HERE and prepare to be dazzled by our local photogs

Residents enjoy a bubble party during the July 3 Street Dance in downtown. Photo courtesy Rick Rasmussen

By Robert Airoldi

Robert Airoldi

Lights, camera, Freedom Fest action!

Hold onto your viewfinders, Morgan Hill! Our town’s shutterbugs were out in full force at this year’s Freedom Fest, proving we’ve got more talent than you can shake a selfie stick at!

The Morgan Hill Photography Club unleashed their snapshot superpowers on our beloved annual Independence Day celebration, capturing everything from parade pizazz to fireworks fantasia. We put out the call to some of our local Ansel Adams wannabes, including club founder and photography fairy godmother Susan Brazelton, along with shutter-happy heroes Doug Rogers, Kaylee Arca, Rick Rasmussen and Dhinesh Kumar.

These camera crusaders came back with a treasure trove of terrific shots. From kiddos belting out tunes at the children’s sing to the oohs and aahs of the fireworks finale, Morgan Hill’s own photogs got it picture perfect!

Want to feast your eyes on their fantastic photos? Mosey on over to www/ and prepare to be dazzled. It’s like Freedom Fest 2.0 — minus the sunburn!

The 2024 Freedom Fest Essay Contest showcases the creativity and patriotism of Morgan Hill’s young minds. Elementary school students were invited to express their thoughts on the theme “Red, White and You,” celebrating what makes America great.

Organized by Karen Crane, a retired local teacher, the contest encouraged students to reflect on the meaning of freedom. The essays demonstrate the kids’ appreciation for various professions and individuals, from first responders and armed forces to small business owners and nurses.

We are proud to present the winning entries in two divisions: Primary (grades K-3) and Intermediate (grades 4-5). These young writers have captured the spirit of Freedom Fest with their heartfelt tributes and insightful observations. Their inspiring essays remind us of the values we celebrate during Freedom Fest and the bright future of our community.

Read the essays at

Terri Eves Knudsen

We learned just before deadline Friday, July 5, school board trustee Terri Knudsen announced in early July she will be resigning from the board of trustees.

“I feel bad that I’m leaving in the middle of the term,” she said. “So many people supported me and I appreciate them.”

She represents Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Area 3.

The decision comes after Knudsen’s knee replacement. For the past few years after the surgery, she and her husband have been searching for a home with fewer stairs and closer to their children. They’ve found a new house in The Delta Cove development on Bethel Island, north of Brentwood.

Knudsen, who started her term in November 2022, reflects positively on her time on the board. “I’m happy I went through the Masters in Governance program. I learned about how to review the budget and the LCAPs. I think I was able to push for more budget cuts to try and get our deficit spending under control — but there’s a long way to go. It’s going to be ongoing.”

Her history with MHUSD spans 25 years, starting as a library clerk at P.A. Walsh Elementary School before moving to Britton Middle School. She later earned her teaching credential and masters in library science, serving as a librarian at Live Oak High School followed by Sobrato High School.

It’s not confirmed yet, but we heard the board plans to hold a special meeting Tuesday, July 9, to recommend putting the vacant seat on the Nov. 5 election ballot. The Registrar of Voters opens for candidates Monday, July 15.

As Knudsen prepares for her move in late August or early September, she leaves with fond memories. “I have loved living in Morgan Hill and working in the educational environment for a long time. I was happy to support the district for the last year and a half. And I wish everyone well and great success for the students and teachers.”

While settling into her new community, Knudsen plans to stay active, volunteering at the local library. She notes that Delta Cove is still close enough for visits to Morgan Hill friends.

Her final board meeting will be Aug. 13. The Area 3 term runs until November 2026.

We wish you, Terri, and your husband much happiness in your new home.