The goal of the YMCA is to strengthen the foundations of the community

Published in the Feb. 5, 2014 issue of Morgan Hill Life

By Staff Report

A senior citizen stocks up on fresh produce at the Senior Center's weekly fresh food market. Photo courtesy Mt. Madonna YMCA.

A senior citizen stocks up on fresh produce at the Mt. Madonna YMCA’s weekly fresh food market at the Centennial Recreation Center.
Photo courtesy Mt. Madonna YMCA.

To kick-off its annual fundraising campaign, staff members at the Mt. Madonna YMCA have already raised more than $17,000.
The campaign’s goal is to raise $200,000 by the end of February to serve nearly 9,000 residents.

“The money raised supports scholarships for our child care, youth sports, summer camp and healthy living programs as well as supporting our senior and after school programs,” said Kelly Ramirez, executive director with the YMCA. “The staff at the Y believe so strongly in our programs and services that we also invest in them.”

The goal of the YMCA is to strengthen the foundations of our community, she said. It does this by nurturing the potential of kids, promoting healthy living, meeting the needs of our seniors and fostering a sense of social responsibility.

“While many in our community are fortunate to be able to afford to participate in our programs, there are many in the community who are not as lucky,” she said. “By supporting our campaign this year, members of our community can partner with the Y and ensure that every individual has access to the essentials needed to learn, grow and thrive.”

Among many other services and programs, the Mt. Madonna YMCA provides scholarships for local families in need of child care and after-school programs.

It has served more than 200 children with its child care programs and nearly 800 youth in its after-school programs, she said.

Health and wellness outreach is also a service provided by the local YMCA. Residents can participate in a variety of programs including the Y-Diabetes Prevention Programs and off-site group exercise programs.

“I’ve seen the impact made on a child who has a safe place to go to after school that provides academic support, the euphoric joy of a child who has the opportunity to belong and participate on a basketball team, the sense of purpose and belonging a senior experiences when they join their friends for a hot, nutritious lunch and participate in a number of activities with their peers,” Ramirez said. “Our impact is comprehensive, touching the lives of children, teens, families and seniors on a daily basis.

To donate to the Mt. Madonna YMCA, visit the website or call (408) 762-6000.