Educate yourself, share the message and vote in November

By Brittney Sherman

Brittney Sherman

In this highly charged political climate we all find ourselves in, Americans are scrutinizing more than ever the 2020 election candidates and campaign messaging at all levels. It’s imperative to follow the national elections but just as critical to understand the candidates and issues on the ballot in your own backyard.

On the ballot there are two city council seats, one Morgan Hill Unified School District seat, one Open Space Authority seat and the 17th State Senate and 30th Assembly seats. Get a look at some of the candidates and their campaigns the week of Sept. 21.

This year the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce Government Relations Center (GRiC) will host a Virtual Candidate Forum.

All candidates running for a particular seat will be invited to co-participate in a 30-minute Q&A session led by Chamber President/CEO Brittney Sherman and GRiC Chairman Lee Neves. All candidates will be given a list of topics ahead of time, identified as key areas of interest/concern by the business community. Each candidate will receive three minutes to answer each question to the best of their ability.

During the 30-minute break between discussions, candidates who are running unopposed will be given a five minute platform to introduce themselves and talk about their goals while in office.

The entire forum will be streamed live, recorded and uploaded to various chamber communication channels for online viewing, including Facebook and YouTube.

Tune in for the conversations, view the discussions that most piques your interest or simply watch the ones that pertain to your district. In the wise words of Roald Dahl, “Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Educate yourself, share the message and vote.