District A
Julie Raia
My purpose is to instill hope and model how our commitment and voice can ignite and restore belief in the democratic process our country was founded on. I love Morgan Hill! Being a city council member is about transparency, being the voice of the people, understanding the city goals, projects, improvements, land use, and the finances, including the budget, and the strategic planning of the city. The purpose of the city council member is to represent the needs of the district, and make responsible and informed decisions. So, please consider my qualifications as you make your choice.
I am a Licensed Marriage/Family Therapist, a small business owner, a Morgan Hill resident for 13 years, a mother of a teenager, and a wife of a registered nurse. I am a member of the School Site Council, at Sobrato High School. As a former executive manager, for more than a decade, at Starlight Community Services in San Jose, I have extensive experience and knowledge in program development, budgets, contracts, and proposals. I was a member of The Mayor’s Gang Task Force and contributed to Juvenile Justice Reform in Santa Clara County. I’ve been a strong advocate for improving mental health programs for at risk youth and families as well as substance abuse treatment programs within the county. I believe in fiscally responsible growth and development. I believe in supporting EMS and our schools, I believe in race and social justice, affordable housing, and improving infrastructure. I believe COVID-19 is real and we are responsible for social distancing and limiting the spread.
I hold a Bachelor’s degree from San Jose State University and a Master’s degree in Psychology from College of Notre Dame. I have worked with many different behavioral health agencies, including Pathway Society, Community Solutions, Alum Rock Counseling Center, San Benito County, Momentum, and Pajaro Valley Prevention in Watsonville.
Let’s come together as a community, in a non-partisan way, for the greater good of Morgan Hill. Vote for Julie D. Raia Nov. 3, 2020 or before by mail. I am the best candidate to represent District A in Morgan Hill.