Morgan Hill Mayor Candidate Mark Turner

As a 30-year resident of Morgan Hill, I have observed a decline in leadership over the last 4+ years as our residents had to witness an unnecessary lawsuit regarding the redistricting map costing the City more than $80,000; an effort to build distribution warehouses forcing residents to gather signatures to place an initiative on the November ballot restricting distribution centers in Morgan Hill; an attempt to reduce the downtown lanes from two in each direction to one, against the will of the people; a dysfunctional city council failing to follow council norms; and an underfunded, understaffed police department struggling to do its job. There has been a failure of leadership for quite some time.

For the last 9 years I have been the President/C.E.O. of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce and the Chair of the Silicon Valley Chamber Coalition for the last 2 years. In that time, I have led the effort to establish recreational economic development opportunities such as bringing a Sharks Ice facility to the community, worked with 10 different organizations to create a 7-year community vision document, participated in enhancing tourism, worked with County Supervisors to develop small business grants during the pandemic, and established working relationships with every level of elected official representing our area. I have the executive level leadership and management experience to lead effective and efficient meetings, restore trust in local government, lead effective and efficient meetings, bring people together to solve problems, and enhance public safety by increasing police staffing levels.

I have a growing list of endorsements from the Morgan Hill Police Officers’ Association, other local law enforcement agencies, Supervisor Mike Wasserman, three former Morgan Hill mayors and City Council members, business owners, Veterans, along with educational and business leaders. We need new leadership, leadership for a change.

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