BBB of Los Angeles and Silicon Valley fields between 30 and 50 complaints each year from Morgan Hill consumers

By Cheri Brown

Cheri Brown

Long before Yelp, Google Business, and Nextdoor, when people had issues with a business, they turned to the nonprofit Better Business Bureau (BBB). While Internet companies allow people to air their grievances, they do not provide a mechanism to resolve those issues. Since 1912, BBB has actively helped consumers and businesses find solutions to their disagreements.

Steve McFarland, president and CEO of BBB of Silicon Valley and Los Angeles, lives and works in Morgan Hill and is a board director for the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to many volunteers, Steve has a staff of 30-plus people who intake an average of 1,100 complaints per day. They resolve about 80 percent of those complaints, all without government help or tax dollars and without charging consumers a fee.

McFarland is a former private investigator with a fascinating career spanning the globe in search of the truth. He regularly appears on television and radio to discuss the latest scams and ways to prevent falling victim to unethical people. In addition, his weekly articles focused on avoiding scams are available to everyone via Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

His latest article highlights how scammers are targeting Medicare beneficiaries with phone calls impersonating Medicare staff who say they are calling to help seniors “get a better plan.”  Steve explains that Medicare has Navigators who provide such information, but they never make outbound calls.

“Scammers see this open enrollment period as a chance to trick people out of money and personal information,” he warns. To avoid getting scammed, he advises seniors to be wary of people who call out of the blue. “Always guard your government-issued numbers and go directly to the government websites,” Steve adds.

BBB of Los Angeles and Silicon Valley fields between 30 and 50 complaints each year from Morgan Hill consumers; most involve contractors and items ordered on the Internet that haven’t arrived or are incorrect. The next time you have a dispute with a business, rather than giving a one-star rating on Google or Yelp or complaining into the Internet void — contact the Better Business Bureau. Their team is available at no cost to help you resolve business challenges.

The Better Business Bureau of Los Angeles and Silicon Valley can be reached at or their local office by phone at (408) 278-7400.

Cheri Brown is a board member of the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce. She wrote this column for Morgan Hill Life.