What? An unidentified flying object seen from Morgan Hill? At least six people reported witnessing three objects about 9:15 p.m. Aug. 21, according to the webpage www.ufoevidence.org/sightings/report.asp?ID=13932. According to a summary of the sightings, the three objects were very distant and stationary, with a brighter object in the center. Through 100-power binoculars, the primary object had a red light on top, with a wheel or dome shape below. The objects were visible for about half an hour, according to witnesses.

“We saw this from our home, which is away from city lights,” said an unidentified 61-year old former university professor and judge on the website. “We called the police, were directed to a UFO hotline, and then to the FAA to alert aircraft of a possible hazard. I went outside to be sure I was getting as best a view as I could, and steadied my field glasses, focusing them back and forth repeatedly to keep bringing the brightest/largest object into view. I got innumerable focused views and it was not an airplane, nor moving satellite or missile. It was too tall for a plane or helicopter, at times appearing like a big upright wheel of lights, and at other times looking like a dome, and the thing wasn’t moving, although the lights flickered, presumably due to the distance. Then, all three were just gone, as though turned off.”

E.T., phone home.
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Cactus-(3)A century plant (Agave americana) has bloomed on the property where I live, and our neighbors and landlord said it has not bloomed in the past quarter century. Although it is called the century plant, it typically lives only 10 to 30 years. It has a spread of about six to 10 feet with gray-green leaves, each with a prickly margin and a heavy spike at the tip that can pierce to the bone. Near the end of its life, the plant sends up a tall, branched stalk, laden with yellow blossoms, that can reach a total height of up to 25 to 30 feet. Its common name derives from its semelparous nature of flowering only once at the end of its long life. The plant dies after flowering, but produces suckers or adventitious shoots from the base, which continue its growth. Sure am glad I was here to see it flower. It must have grown several inches a day.
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LifeguardsCongratulations to Chelsea Hill, Alex Della Maggiore, Cameron Pappa and Emily Guthormsen, who took first place in the Unresponsive Victim Rescue contest, while individual competitors from the city of Morgan Hill, Hill and Della Maggiore took second place in the Iron Guard Competition and third in the Obstacle Course Race, respectively. They competed at the Bay Area Public Pool Operators Association (BAPPOA) 2015 Lifeguard Games. “Safety of our guests, residents and teammates is the No. 1 priority at all city of Morgan Hill pools and recreation facilities,” said Nick Calubaquib, recreation manager for the city. “The lifeguards work hard to ensure their knowledge and skills are above standard. We are proud of the commitment our lifeguards have shown and how well they perform during various simulation exercises.”
We, too, are proud.
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Good work Morgan Hill Police Department’s cops for bringing a peaceful close to a potentially violent standoff. An armed robbery suspect was one of two gunmen who allegedly held several people hostage at the Game Stop store Sept. 6. The suspects fled the scene by car and one hid in the Villa Teresa Apartment Homes complex on Berry Court in Morgan Hill, forcing residents to evacuate homes overnight.

Among the residents was Christa Smith who told us that she, her husband Darrell and children Elijah and Abigail are staying at the Morgan Hill Residence Inn until the end of the month because their apartment is boarded up from damage done and from tear gas contamination in the SWAT action apprehending the suspect.

“Everyone feels a little displaced,” she said. “Right now we’re really in need of toiletry type items… things like it’s hard to really think of until you need them. Socks, underwear, even a hairbrush.”

The children are concerned about the family pet cat Sherkan who as of Friday has not been found after running away, scared by the excitement.
The city of Morgan Hill’s office of emergency services and the Red Cross helped the residents find temporary lodging and receive the basic necessities of life after the incident. Cecelia Ponzini, with Cecelia’s Closet, opened the doors Sept. 10 to the Smith family to pick up food and clothing.