About Marty Cheek

Marty Cheek is the publisher of Morgan Hill Life and Gilroy Life. He is also the co-author with Congressman Jerry McNerney of the book Clean Energy Nation: Freeing America From the Tyranny of Fossil Fuels. Email: [email protected] Phone: (408) 782-7575

Education: Gavilan selects next president to replace Dr. Rose


Coming from Santa Rosa Junior College, Pedro Avila will start July 1 By Marty Cheek Dr. Pedro Avila Dr. Pedro Avila has been selected as Gavilan Community College’s next superintendent/president. Pending contract negotiations, he will [...]

Education: Gavilan selects next president to replace Dr. Rose2022-05-30T13:28:51-07:00

Education: Pedro Avila selected as Gavilan’s new superintendent/president


Avila holds degrees in Latino studies and business from Fresno State University By Marty Cheek Dr. Pedro Avila has been selected as Gavilan Community College's next superintendent/president. Pending contract negotiations, he will replace Dr. Kathleen Rose starting [...]

Education: Pedro Avila selected as Gavilan’s new superintendent/president2022-05-30T13:28:18-07:00

High-Speed Rail passes environmental hurdle


Rail Authority officials say first rides for travelers will be ready by 2031 By Marty Cheek The San-Jose-to-Merced stretch of the California High-Speed Rail project got a green light last month. The Rail Authority's board of directors [...]

High-Speed Rail passes environmental hurdle2022-05-17T08:42:20-07:00
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