Your Garden … with Kate Russell: Daddy longlegs get nutrition from decomposing plant and animal matter


While daddy longlegs are predators in their own right, they get most of their nutrients from decomposing plant and animal matter and manure. A macro shot of a daddy longlegs on a leaf.Photo courtesy Wikipedia [...]

Your Garden … with Kate Russell: Daddy longlegs get nutrition from decomposing plant and animal matter2021-04-19T07:25:16-07:00

Your Garden … with Kate Russell: Try to avoid overhead watering to lessen evaporation, chance of disease


Overhead watering is a major contributor to fungal and bacterial diseases, such as anthracnose, bacterial spot, blight,  anddowny mildews.   By Kate Russell Kate Russell You’ve probably heard it a hundred times — overhead watering [...]

Your Garden … with Kate Russell: Try to avoid overhead watering to lessen evaporation, chance of disease2021-03-06T08:53:48-08:00
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