Your Garden . . . with Kate Russell: Many things can cause hardpan, but bottom line is it’s not good for plants


Photo courtesy Hardpan is a layer of soil so dense that air, water, and roots can barely move through it. Unlike compacted soil, which is a general condition of soil that doesn't have enough [...]

Your Garden . . . with Kate Russell: Many things can cause hardpan, but bottom line is it’s not good for plants2019-07-11T09:28:55-07:00

Your Garden . . .with Kate Russell: Warm, moist conditions means basil downy mildew threatens local crops


Basil downy mildew pathogen is under California state quarantine Basil’s fragrant leaves make it a Morgan Hill gardener's favorite, but there is a new disease on the horizon: basil downy mildew. And warm, moist conditions are all [...]

Your Garden . . .with Kate Russell: Warm, moist conditions means basil downy mildew threatens local crops2019-06-12T19:31:42-07:00

Press release: City of Morgan Hill wants to protect our planet’s environment


Published April 7, 2019 Click HERE to find the latest stories in Morgan Hill Life Click HERE to find more upcoming events on our Special Calendar page Andi Borowski, Environmental Services Assistant at the Morgan Hill City's Community Services Department, [...]

Press release: City of Morgan Hill wants to protect our planet’s environment2019-04-24T07:36:47-07:00
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