Young people learn leadership skills as part of community service

Published in the April 15-28, 2015 issue of Morgan Hill Life

By Marty Cheek

Photo by Shirley Howe

Photo by Shirley Howe

Young people and 190 senior citizens celebrated “La Gran Fiesta” in Morgan Hill together at the 10th annual Senior Citizens Ball held March 28 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center.

The ball was hosted by the Youth Action Council, a city of Morgan Hill-sponsored group of 20 young people who learn leadership skills by community involvement. Forty teens from local schools also participated in the Mexican-themed ball this year as part of earning their community service hours for their civics class.

YAC member Makayla Dennard helped as a server for the seniors, bringing plates of appetizers, enchiladas, beans, and rice and dessert cake during the dinner portion of the ball. Throughout the evening, various entertainers also provided musical and dance performances as well as a raffle and bingo game to make the ball even more fun.

“I love senior citizens so it was really exciting for me to see them dancing and having a lot of fun, and we’re having fun, too,” Dennard said. “It’s super fun. At the end of the night we’re going to be able to dance with the senior citizens.”


Photo by Shirley Howe

Fellow YAC member Kyle Moosman said his involvement in the Senior Ball helped him appreciate the lives of people who have been a part of Morgan Hill for many decades.

“I think it’s so great to have the interaction between older people and younger people because it’s not something that happens all that much any more,” he said. “It’s a great way to get out of your bubble and explore different possibilities and things you might not have thought about doing.”

For YAC member Heidi Rivera, this was her first year helping out with the Senior Ball and she discovered it’s “really fun” to be involved with the senior citizens and make sure they were having a good time.

“I think it’s fun socializing with older people,” she said. “It brings back their memories when they were young. I love talking to people. I love meeting new people and I don’t mind talking to seniors.”

YAC member Kaleb Watkins was involved as a greeter and in selling raffle tickets for the event.

“It’s fun to see how the seniors say hello and stuff to each other,” he said. “Usually, the youth don’t get to talk to seniors. It’s like building a bridge of appreciation and having fun together.”

Kaleb’s father, Derrick Watkins, also participated in the Senior Ball and sees it as an opportunity for young people to mature by being part of a broader part of life.

Photo by Shirley Howe

Photo by Shirley Howe

“(Middle and high school) students can be inner focused sometimes and this can help them be aware that there are other people and issues around them that they need to consider,” he said. “YAC kind of helps opens their eyes to that…. It helps Kaleb value people outside of his other groups. Everyone is part of the community and everyone needs to be valued.”

Stan Williams, a senior citizen from San Jose, and Mary Lopez, from Morgan Hill, took a moment during their time getting a formal photo made at the ball to describe why they come to the YAC Senior Ball every year.

“It’s the dancing and the friends that bring me back,” Williams said.

Lopez said she appreciates that young people learn leadership and life lessons from being involved in the event.

“I think it’s important for them because it gives them a chance to see that there are seniors who are actively involved and get a chance to give to them and be involved with them,” she said. “YAC is a very positive experience for them and they have a chance to not only connect with friends in their peer circle, but they can also reach out to other segments of the community that are a little bit active and older and interested in life.”

YAC’s coordinator Chiquy Mejia encourages youngsters between the ages of 13 and 18 to join the youth leadership development organization. Anyone who is interested needs to apply by July 10 for the Youth Leadership Morgan Hill program that will be held July 14 to 17. The program will introduce them to various individual, education and business leaders in Morgan Hill. Applications for this program are available at the Centennial Recreation Center and the Community and Cultural Center.