John Varela was one of 21 who applied for position

Published in the December 23, 2015 – January 5, 2016 issue of Morgan Hill Life

By Staff Report

John Varela

John Varela

John Varela, a former Morgan Hill mayor and city councilmember, was chosen by the Santa Clara Valley Water District board of directors to join that governing body Dec. 10. He fills the remaining term of the District 1 seat left vacant when Dennis Kennedy, another former Morgan Hill mayor, resigned in early November for health reasons.

Morgan Hill Life asked Varela about how his experience as an active person in local government will help him as a new water board director.

What prompted you to decide to throw your hat in the ring and be a candidate for Dennis Kennedy’s open water board position?

It was suggested by some friends after Dennis Kennedy announced his resignation that perhaps I should apply for the appointment. I resisted the suggestion until receiving additional calls of support to pursue the vacated SCVWD District1 seat.

After consulting with Dennis and receiving his encouragement to apply, along with my family, many friends, former and present political leadership, locally and throughout the South Valley, I then decided to apply. It took me a while to convince myself that I am capable of stepping into Dennis Kennedy’s huge shoes to fulfill and continue his incredible body of work and legacy. As it turned out I was selected in a 4-2 vote by the current board of directors after an interview process in a Special Board of Directors public meeting held with the five selected finalist out of a field of 21 applicants.

What expertise and knowledge in Santa Clara Valley water issues do you bring to the board?

Coincidentally, this is a question similar to the application questions submitted by the board. Here is a portion of how I answered: Agriculture is a fundamental foundation in South County, an economic engine to the entire region and it must be protected. Historical water rights, availability and cost parity are some of the issues our local farmers are facing. And of course, local flooding issues that have been a major concern in South County as long as I have lived in the region. These examples are just some of the issues.

What are a couple of South Valley water issues that are important to you and why?

Storage: dams and reservoirs. Water Purity: a reliable clean water supply for current and future generations. Recycling: explore and develop feasible water re-use alternatives, including graywater, and one more. Flooding: on going discussions with the city of Morgan Hill, SCVWD and the federal government, a federal, state and local partnership providing a 100-year flood capacity solution benefiting downtown Morgan Hill home owners, businesses, agriculture, south tin Gilroy.

How will you serve the entire South Valley region (Gilroy, San Martin, and Morgan Hill) in representing the diverse needs of the District 1 citizens?

As best I can. Add to the list eastern Milpitas, the Evergreen area of San Jose as well as southern portions of San Jose, District 1 has a broad reach. I intend to hold local public meetings giving the local population an opportunity to discuss with their local representative water issues effecting their lives.

How will you work with farmers and the agricultural business in the South Valley to help them with their water needs — especially with the current drought?

I have already begun to reach out. Several of the local farmers, growers and producers are friends and I intend to pay close attention to the issues individually and collectively to all. I also intend to reach out to the Santa Clara County Farm Bureau.