Click HERE to take the Vision-2020: Be a Hero for Humanity survey:

Click HERE to take the Vision-2020: Be a Hero for Humanity survey:

Here’s the plan. You’ll find a link on this webpage to take a survey. Please click on it and go to the webpage where the survey is located.

If you wish to save this holiday season and give the children of the world the great gift of global peace, please take a minute or two to fill out the survey.

I’ve spent a lot of my time for the past six months writing two books focusing on the Vision-2020 movement.

One book is a nonfiction book called “Vision-2020: Be a Hero for Humanity.” It explains the reasons how people can achieve a better world in the next 20 years – and how the Americans can lead the way to global peace.

The other book is called “Vision-2020: What Kind of World Do You Want?” It’s a novel which takes place on New Year’s Day in the year 2040 looks back at the past two decades and how Americans helped humanity achieve a world forever free of wars.

We need a minimum 100,000 people who are willing to purchase either one or both of the Vision-2020 books for $30 each to help launch the Vision-2020 movement this holiday season.

If we can get that many people interested in being a “hero for humanity” and start this movement, then we will be able to find a book publishing company interested in being a part of this movement.

From the pre-order sales, we will create a $1 million marketing campaign to promote sales of the two books during the holiday season.

For every book sold, $10 will go to Life Media Group to fund the building of a human-benefit company that will use media innovations to inspire people to take part in the Vision-2020 movement during the next two decades.

If you want to be a hero for humanity, the first step is easy. Click on the survey link below. Fill out the survey and show a publishing house you are willing to purchase at least one book – or maybe two or more.

If we get 100,000 people to do this, it will show the leaders of America that there is a widespread support for the Vision-2020 movement.

Are you willing to change the story of America this holiday season and bring an end to our national polarization?

Are you willing to heal our nation by bringing all Americans together by giving children the gift of hope of a happier world in the future?

If so, please click on the link below and take a minute or two to fill out the survey.