About Guest Column

This guest column represents the views of the writer and not necessarily that of Morgan Hill Life. If you're interested in writing a guest column for this newspaper, please email the editor at [email protected].

Community Voices by Linnie Lee: Together we can make changes


Blacks also have a unique history with police and law enforcement institutions By Linnie Lee Tessa Landers, a fifth grader at El Toro Elementary School, won first-place in this year’s Freedom Fest essay contest describing how Rosa [...]

Community Voices by Linnie Lee: Together we can make changes2024-11-11T16:11:53-08:00

The Buzz at the Hub . . . with Dorie Sugay: Senior Center goes virtual, but continues to deliver meals to seniors


Senior Center team continues to provide services despite COVID-19 stay-in-place orders By Dorie Sugay Dorie Sugay Sandra Madriles, nutrition coordinator for the Senior Cafe, serves barbecue ribs.Photo by Marty Cheek March 16 was [...]

The Buzz at the Hub . . . with Dorie Sugay: Senior Center goes virtual, but continues to deliver meals to seniors2020-06-12T17:41:26-07:00

Guest column by SURJ South County: Hundreds march for racial justice in Morgan Hill and Gilroy


As Fannie Lou Hamer says, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” We cannot become complacent again By Showing Up for Racial Justice South County On Sunday, May 31, in downtown Morgan Hill, SURJ South County (a chapter of [...]

Guest column by SURJ South County: Hundreds march for racial justice in Morgan Hill and Gilroy2024-11-11T16:11:58-08:00

California High-Speed Rail project will impact South Valley


Track route favored by rail authority will have negative impact on Morgan Hill's historic Villa Mira Monte, society says By Isabel Soloaga The railroad helped to create Morgan Hill’s historical estate Villa Mira Monte when the Victorian [...]

California High-Speed Rail project will impact South Valley2020-06-24T12:22:40-07:00
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