Morgan Hill City Council candidate Larry Carr


District A Larry Carr Larry Carr I am proud to serve as your councilmember. I am running for re-election with a clear and positive plan for Morgan Hill.  As your councilmember I have participated in [...]

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Larry Carr2020-09-18T08:12:00-07:00

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Julie Raia


District A Julie Raia Julie Raia My purpose is to instill hope and model how our commitment and voice can ignite and restore belief in the democratic process our country was founded on. I love [...]

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Julie Raia2020-09-18T08:11:56-07:00

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Rene Spring


District C Rene Spring Rene Spring Morgan Hill has been our home for more than 16 years. For many years I have been involved in our community as a volunteer, council member, former planning commissioner, [...]

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Rene Spring2020-09-18T08:12:33-07:00

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Gino Borgioli


District A Gino Borgioli Gino Borgioli As a previously elected official at MHUSD, I learned that good governance is essential to making intelligent decisions. I’m a graduate of Masters in Governance from CSBA with training [...]

Morgan Hill City Council candidate Gino Borgioli2020-09-18T08:11:51-07:00

Your Garden . . . with Kate Russell: Smoke particles from fires can endanger your plants, but also help a bit


Pollutants in the air come from burning furniture, vehicles, plastics, and other man-made materials   By Kate Russell Kate Russell If a global pandemic wasn't a problem enough, we now find ourselves surrounded by wildfires, [...]

Your Garden . . . with Kate Russell: Smoke particles from fires can endanger your plants, but also help a bit2020-09-18T18:34:24-07:00
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