Christopher Ranch begins harvest amid high demand


Gilroy company hopes to deliver 1 million pounds of fresh garlic a week this summer Ken Christopher at Christopher Ranch shows off some of the farms garlic. By Staff Report Christopher Ranch, the nation's premier [...]

Christopher Ranch begins harvest amid high demand2020-06-28T10:16:00-07:00

Activists oppose building Morgan Hill Technology Center


Morgan Hill Responsible Growth Coalition say they will take it to voters An artist's rendering of the proposed Morgan Hill Technology Center. By Robert Airoldi Members of an activist group fighting a proposed 60-acre industrial development [...]

Activists oppose building Morgan Hill Technology Center2020-06-28T11:37:30-07:00

California High-Speed Rail project will impact South Valley


Track route favored by rail authority will have negative impact on Morgan Hill's historic Villa Mira Monte, society says By Isabel Soloaga The railroad helped to create Morgan Hill’s historical estate Villa Mira Monte when the Victorian [...]

California High-Speed Rail project will impact South Valley2020-06-24T12:22:40-07:00

Association Creates Ways to Support Our Downtown


Patronize the Downtown businesses as often as you can, says MHDA board president By David Dindak Photo by Marty CheekBubble’s owner David Dindak in the ‘vault’ of the downtown wine bar. Downtown Morgan Hill is [...]

Association Creates Ways to Support Our Downtown2020-05-11T15:40:51-07:00
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